2025학년도 신입생부터는
'형사소송법 1'은 1학년 2학기에 수강하는 전선과목으로
'형사소송법 2'는 2학년 1학기에 수강하는 전필과목으로
순차 개편 예정입니다. 25학번부터는 변경된 학수구분 및 학년으로 이수하여야 하오니 착오없으시기 바랍니다.
학년 | 학기 | 학수 구분 |
과 목 명(영문) | 학강실 점의험 |
1학년 | 1학기 | 전필 | 민법 2(계약)(Civil Law 2(Contract)) 법률정보조사(Legal Research) 법조윤리(Legal Ethics) 헌법 1(Constitutional Law 1) 형법 1(Criminal 1) |
3-3-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
전선 | 민법 1(총칙)(Civil Law 1(General Rules)) 상거래법(Commercial Transaction Law) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2학기 | 전필 | 민법 3(물권)(Civil Law 3(Real Rights)) 민법 4(채권)(Civil Law 4(Obligation)) 헌법 2(Constitutional Law 2) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
전선 | 민사소송법 1(Civil Procedure Law 1) 행정법일반이론(General Theory of Administrative Law) 형법 2(Criminal Law 2) 회사법 1(Corporation Law 1) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2학년 | 1학기 | 전필 | 민사소송법 2(Civil Procedure Law 2) 행정구제법(Legal System of Administrative Remedies) 형사소송법 1(Criminal Procedure Law 1) 회사법 2(Corporation Law 2) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
전선 | 공정거래법(Competition Law) 국제법의기초(Basic Principles of International law) 국제사법(Private International law) 국제연합(UN)과국제법(The United Nation and International Law) 국제인권법(International Human Rights Law) 금융분쟁사례(Case Study of financial Disputes) 노동법 1(Labor Law 1) 도산법(Bankruptcy Law) 민법 5(친족․상속)(Civil Law 5(Family & Inheritance)) 민사특별법(Special Civil Law) 법률가와커뮤니케이션(Lawyer and Communication) 법률가와협상(Lawyer and Negotiation) 법사상사(History of Legal Ideas) 보험.해상.항공운송법(Insurance & Maritime & Air Transport Law) 외국인투자와중국회사법(Foreign Investment & Chinese Corporation) 일본사회와법(Japanese Society and Law) 조세법총론(Generals of Tax Law) 중국통상과법 1(Chinese Trade and Law 1) 중국투자와외국인투자법(Chinese Investment and Foreign Investment Law) 지적재산권법 1(Intellectual Property Law 1) 채권법연습(Seminar on Law of Contract & Obligation) 헌법 3(Constitutional Law 3) 현대사회와인권(Modern Society and Human Rights) 형법연습(Seminar on Criminal Law) 형사제재론(Criminal Sanction) 형사특별법(Special Criminal Law) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2학기 | 전필 | 법문서의작성(Legal Writing) | 1-1-0 | |
전선 | 가족법연습(Seminar on Family Law) 검찰실무 1(Criminal Investigation and Prosecution 1) 경찰실무(Practice to Police) 국제거래법(International Transaction Law) 국제법과외교(International Law and Diplomacy) 국제분쟁과법(International Dispute and Law) 노동법 2(Labor Law 2) 동북아시대의법률가(Lawyers in the era of Globalitation) 물권법연습(Seminar on Property Law) 민사기록실무 1(Practice on Civil Litigation Documents 1) 민사소송법연습(Seminar on Civil Procedure Law) 법철학(Philosophy of Law) 보전소송실무(Practice of Provisional Attachment and Provisional Disposition) 사회법(Social Law) 사회법판례연구(Case Studies of Social Law) 상사판례세미나(Seminar on Commercial Case) 소비자법(Consumer Law) 인권법(Human Rights Law) 인권정책론(Human Rights Policy) 일본기업과법(Japanese Enterprises & Law) 자본시장법(Capital Market & Financial Investment Law) 저작권법(Copyright Law) 정보와인권(Information and Human Rights) 중국과학기술과지식재산권법(Chinese Scientific Technology and Intellectural Property Law) 중국통상과법 2(Chinese Trade and Law 2) 중국투자와상사분쟁해결법(Chinese Investment and Commercial Dispute Resolution Law) 지방자치법(Local Government Law) 지적재산권법 2(Intellectual Property Law 2) 특수불법행위법(Special Tortious Acts) 행정법각론(Particulars of Administrative Law) 헌법기본연습(Basic Constitutional Law Practice) 헌법판례세미나(Constitutional Case Law Seminar) 현대법이론(Contemporary Legal Theory) 형사기록연습(Criminal Law Recording Practice) 형사법특강(Topics in Criminal Law) 형사소송법 2(Criminal Procedure Law 2) 형사재판실무(Practice to Criminal Trial) 형사판례연구(Criminal Case study) 환경법(Environmental Law) 회사법연습(Case Study On Corporation Law) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-4-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
3학년 | 1학기 | 전필 | 모의재판(Mock Trial) 실습과정 1(Lawyering Practice Externship 1) |
1-1-0 1-1-0 |
전선 | 검찰실무 2(Criminal Investigation and Prosecution 2) 국제거래법연습(Seminar in International Transaction Law) 국제경제법(International Economic Law) 노동법연습(Exercises of Labor Law) 동북아경제법(Economic Law of Northeastern Asia) 민사기록실무 2(Practice on Civil Litigation Documents 2) 민사재판실무(Practice to Civil Trial) 민사집행법(Civil Execution Law) 민사통합연습(Integrative Seminar on Civil Law) 사회법연습(Exercises of Social Law) 사회보장정책론(Social Security Policy) 상법연습(Case Study On Commerical Law) 상사중재법(Commercial Arbitration Law) 생명윤리와법(Law and Bioethics) 요건사실실무(Practiice of Requirements Facts) 젠더와법(Gender and Law) 중국현안법제와사례연구(A Study of China Pending Issue Legislation and Cases) 지적재산권실무(Practice of Intellectual Property Law) 차별금지법(Anti-Discrimination Law) 행정소송실무(Practice of Administrative Litigation) 헌법소송실무(Practice of Constitutional Litigation) 헌법심화연습(Intensive Constitutional Law Practice) 형사사례분석(Criminal Case Study) 형사소송법연습(Seminar on Criminal Procedure Law) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-4-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
2학기 | 전선 | 경제법연습(Seminar on Economic Law) 경제헌법(Economic Constitution Law) 공법종합연습(Seminar in Comprehensive Public law) 국제법연습(Seminar on International Law) 국제법일반이론(General Principles of International Law) 노동법실무(Practice of Labor Law) 동북아시아와인권(Human Rights in Northeast Asia) 민사법종합연습(Comprehensive Seminar on Civil Law) 민사소송실무(Practice of Civil Procedure Law) 법률상담실무(Legal Consultation Practice) 상사법종합연습(Seminar on Combined Commercial Law) 손해배상법실무(Practice of Compensation for Damages) 스포츠엔터테이먼트법(Sports Entertainment Law) 실습과정 2(Lawyering Practice Externship 2) 의료법(Medical Law) 정보법(Information Law) 조세법각론(Particulars of Tax Law) 중국투자와조세법 2(Chines Investment and Tax Law 2) 행정법연습(Seminar in Administration law) 형법종합연습(Comprehensive Seminar on Criminal Law) 형사소송법종합연습(Comprehensive Seminar on Criminal Procedure Law) |
3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 2-2-0 3-3-0 1-1-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 3-3-0 |
"○"표는 부전공 필수과목, "**"표는 교직 기본이수영역 과목